Dental Procedures
Dental procedures cannot be booked online. In order to request a dental procedure, email appointments@sopines.org to set up a consultation.
Why is routine dental care important?
Most people would agree that oral health is very important for humans, but did you know that cats and dogs can suffer from poor oral health as well? In fact, periodontal disease (an infection around the teeth, gums, and relating structures) is very common in pets today. Routine dental cleanings, as well as at home preventative care, can go a long way in preventing periodontal disease and other serious healthy problems down the road.
Prevention is key to managing your pet's oral health. Dental cleanings and necessary teeth extractions done under anesthesia at the vet are the most thorough ​form of dental care. At home, there are over the counter products that may be beneficial. A water additive such as Vetradent can help reduce plaque and tarter buildup. Some specialty diets such as Royal Canin and Hills Science Diet dental formulas make fantastic treats while providing added benefits of promoting oral health! The vet can help you decide the best practices for your pet's individual needs during your consultation.

Starting at $200
Our pricing for dentals typically range between $200 - $500, depending on extractions and treatments. A preanesthetic dental consultation with a bloodwork panel is required for $100 to determine your pet's fitness for anesthesia before scheduling your dental procedure.
What To Expect
To request a dental procedure, email appointments@sopines.org to set up a consultation. During the consultation, the vet will run a bloodwork panel to evaluate your pet's fitness for anesthesia and to identify specific dental needs, then schedule the procedure based on your pet's needs. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to book the procedure.
Your pet should not have any food after midnight and water should be available to them at all times. Check in is between 8am-9am the day of your procedure.
After the Procedure
We will contact you when it is time to pick up your pet. The vet will review what they did during the procedure with you before sending your pet home.
Once your pet is discharged, you may notice some grogginess and drooling for a couple of hours. If this does not clear up in a timely manner, or if you have any other causes for concern, please contact us.
If your pet received stitches, we will schedule a recheck appointment two weeks after the procedure to have them removed.